Profanity in advertising

Many years ago I was awaiting a tape (of commercials) from a previous student when it arrived literally 5 minutes before class. There was no time to preview it and I thought: “Oh, what the heck … students know my philosophy, if commercials offend them, they have the right to leave without being punished.” Yeah you guessed it, the commercial below was on that reel. Check it out.

Well, I died three million deaths during the screening of this spot. The students were hysterical, I have never heard so much laughter, and so loud, in my life. They must have thought I am the coolest, no kewlest, prof ever … yeah right, those of you who know me, know better. When it was over, I hit the stop button and ask them if they thought it was a good or bad spot. Of course, the majority said it was the best thing since sliced bread. I stood there in silence and then someone asked me what I thought: “The worst commercial ever made,” I said, “and it has nothing to do with the savory language. Now y’all tell me why I think it was so terrible?”

It did not take long for them to get it. The intended target market cannot speak English, so it does not matter whether there is cussing or not. There is very little doubt in my mind that this commercial was made to win awards … which it did.

Now compare the foregoing with the next one.

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant … like all Bud spots

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